The climate forecasts for August-December 2024 indicate a general decrease in rainfall in the Centre, East and South regions (the Bimodal Rain Forest
zone). However, there is an increase in rainfall in the Littoral and South West regions (the Monomodal rain forest zone) and the West and North West
regions (the Highlands zone).
Weather forecasts for August-December 2024 indicate that:
Regarding the RAINY SEASON, the probable start dates are as follows:
❖The continuation of the Rainy season in the Monomodal Zone (Littoral and Southwest regions).
❖Generally, in the East and South regions, the long rainy season is expected to start from the second Dekad of August 2024 (specifically from the 13th).
❖However, Betare Oya, Garoua Boulai, and Bangbel in the East region are experiencing the continuation of the rainy season, similar to the Guinean High Savannah
Zone, Additionally, Kribi, Campo, and Lolodorf in the South region, are also observing the continuation of the rainy season, just like the Monomodal Zone.
❖Generally in the Center region, the long rainy season will begin by the 14th August 2024. However, Ngambe Tikar, Sangbe, and Ndipa in the Center region are still
observing the continuation of the Rainy season, just as the Guinean High Savannah Zone.
Probable END DATES of the RAINY SEASON in the Monomodal, Western Highlands & Bimodal:
• In the monomodal zone and the high plateau zone, the rainy season is expected to end during the second Dekad (around the 18th) of November 2024 in the West
and Northwest regions, and the third Dekad (around the 23rd) of November 2024 in the Littoral and Southwest regions.
• In the bimodal zone, the long rainy season is expected to end around the third Dekad of November 2024 in the East, Centre, and South regions, respectively
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