Forecasts and Dekadal Climate Alerts for the Period from 1st to 10th August 2024


1. For Temperature

1.1. Maximum Temperature: The following localities have a high probability of experiencing an increase in mean maximum temperature compared to historical averages for the same period from 1979 to 2022. They include:

– Ngaou Mbol, Tibati, Banyo, Betare Gongo and Yimbere, in the Adamawa region;

– Obala, Mbalmayo, Nanga-Eboko, Monatele, Nkoteng, Ntui, Mbandjock, Akonolinga, Ngoro, Bafia, Mbaka, Yoko and Ayos, in the Centre region;

– Mbitom, Lomie, Yokadouma, Ngoyla, Libongo, Moloundou, Belabo, Doume, Batouri, Abong-Mbang, Koso, Dimako, Bertoua and Mintoum, in the East region;

– Zoetele and Ambam, in the South region;

– Fundong, Ndop, Bali, Kumbo, Widikum, Santa, Nkambe, Bambalang, Benakuma, Esu, Bamenda and Wum, in the North West region;

– Koutaba, Makam, Foumban and Foumbot, in the West region;

– Yabassi, Ndokiti, Ndokama, Mouanko, Manjo, Mbanga, Melong, Dibombari, Nkongsamba, Loum, Penja, Baptek and Nkondjock,, in the Littoral region.

st th NB1: This dekad from 1 to 10 August 2024 will be marked by maximum temperatures ranging between 18 and 33°C over the entire national territory.

1.2. Minimum Temperature

The following localities have a high probability of experiencing a decrease in minimum temperature compared to the historical mean recorded during the same period from 1979 to 2022. They include:

– Mokolo and Mora, in the Far North region;

– Touboro, in the North region;

– Ngaoundere, Meiganga, Dota, Tignere, Mbe, and Kognoli, in the Adamawa region;

– Yaounde, Mbamayo, Eseka and Monatele, in the Centre region;

– Garoua-Boulai, in the East region;

– Batie, Bafang, Dschang and Bana, in the West region.

st th NB2: This dekad from 1 to 10 August 2024 will be marked by persistent cold nights in certain localities in the Far North region (Mora, Mokolo, Koza, Gobo, etc.), as well as in the entire Monomodal rain forest zone (Nkongsamba, Nguti, Etuku, Fontem, etc.), in the Bimodal rain forest zone (Mbalmayo, Eseka, Ngoyla, Ambam, etc.), in all the localities of the Western Highlands zone and all the localities of the Guinea high savannah zone.