1.1. Context and justification

The 6th report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of 2022 confirms the evidence of climate change and its adverse effects on socio￾economic development and ecosystems. This report particularly reveals the very vulnerable character of Africa to climate change and underlines the numerous risks and impacts that this continent is already undergoing (in the countries of the Horn of Africa, it is observed that extreme droughts lead to agricultural losses resulting in a lack of access to food for the populations). In 2011, 12.4 million people were suffering from famine in Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia (FAO, 2011).Thus, identifying solutions to the negative impacts on development sectors caused by climate disruption is becoming a priority for African countries.

In Cameroon, climate change is reflected, among other things, in the disruption of the onset and end dates of the rainy seasons, the decrease in rainfall amounts,the poor distribution of the number of rainy days, the multiplication of extreme climate events (floods, extreme droughts, violent winds, sandstorms and haze,etc.), which are increasingly recurrent and catastrophic. The corollary of this is the disruption of agricultural and fishing activities, the resurgence of plant diseases, the loss of biodiversity, the multiplication of conflicts over the management of natural resources, food insecurity, population migration and the degradation of ecosystems. ..