The train of economic growth is on track. Its trail follows the paths of green gold. Agriculture is becoming one of the key mainstays of our national economy.
In the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, we continue to focus on our mandate: preparing, planning and implementing Government programmes relating to agriculture and rural development, as well as, supervising, which is necessary to protect various value chains in all crop sub-sector; promoting food self sufficiency, inter alia, and moreover on the search of ways to make of agriculture a real economy.
This is a very big challenge, of course! Because, it would be imperative to fully implement innovative public policies in this domain while adjusting undoubtedly to relevant reforms by carrying out appropriate structural reorganization, which will guarantee the transition in the agricultural sector, from the labour force to the industrial strength. Consequently, this is another challenge, which consists in mobilizing all the involved stakeholders. This must go through communication means, to achieve our agriculture transfer to a second generation agriculture. Communication in its role as medium of facilitation and popularization must pave various ways to get out of ignorance and obscurantism in order to end up with a real change of mentality.
In order to obtain the wealth created by working the soil, develop modern production techniques, supervise the work force, feed the population, win new markets; communication should help show case, and serve as spring board for our action.
In his message to the youths on 10 February 2016, the Head of State, His Excellency Paul BIYA, told them to seek for information on various programmes of the agricultural sector. Following the Head of State guidelines, in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, we have chosen to make this information available. We will provide them to you. The ongoing rehabilitation and updating of this information site and other communication tools are illustrative of our determination.
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